Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, ever since I started getting my movie rentals for free, I stopped watching movies. I can't really explain it - I mean, I don't avoid movies, and as a child I watched everything that was on HBO - but I probably take in maybe 10-20 new (to me) movies a year. So it probably won't be too often that I review any here, but I actually happened to take in a couple last week.

JCVD (2008)

The title's acronym refers to it's star, Jean-Claude Van Damme. Known for his over the top action film (Bloodsport, Time Cop) as well as his personal problems off the screen, this movie makes an interesting premise: have the actor play himself as he is taken hostage in a bank robbery. JCVD is an out-of-work actor, low on money, and losing custody of his children due to past drug abuse - the whole thing is affecting, self-effacing, and even humorous at times.

Bad Lieutenant (1992)

Harvey Keitel is the titled Lieutenant - a drug-and-power abusing, gambling, brutal man. The movie is a fascinating 90 minutes of watching Keitel takes this character to it's extremes, and as he starts to unravel as he is affected by a crime both brutal beyond his own personal scope and which touches upon his character's last shred of faith and humanity.

I would definitely recommend both. Enjoy

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