Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 3:

Started taking photos again! Sticking with the camera in my phone at the moment, but I might pick up a cheapish digital somewhere along the way - lacking a flash, a constant soft blur, and no real options really limits what I can do with it. This was yesterday, I'll catch up and finish something later for today.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 2:

Today I made a checklist of daily health and wellness goals, keeping track of what I'm eating, how much I'm running, even what and how much I'm reading. Maybe I'll get myself actually organized one of these days... probably not.

Also, another music blog post!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 1:

Music Blog!

I've been thinking about doing this forever, with my main concern being that I wouldn't update consistently enough to really keep the idea going. Now I'll bet I'll update it just to get an easy out for my daily creation. Man, I wish I was a better writer - maybe I'll get better with practice, or maybe I just need an album that I'm more authoritative of.


And thus...

It begins. Driven by my own disgust at my growing malaise, a future that seems as grim as The Wrens' Meadowlands but with less girls, and inspiration from Chris Errico's blogs, I have created this pet project.

Create 1 thing a day.

That's it, that's all I have to do. And I'm not restricting what that can mean: physical creations, recording, writings, food - just put something forth every day.

Anyone who knows me knows I've got a pretty big ego when it comes to my intellect. Well, it's time that I started showing something for it. My pie-in-the-sky style hopes for this project is that I keep it up for one year. Realistically, I want to keep this up and going for at least one month, I think that's a goal I can achieve.

Well, I'm not going to count this as the first thing, so I'd better get started!
